Andik Isdianto, Oktiyas Muzaky Luthfi, Muchamad Fairuz Haykal, Nuddin Harahab, Andi Kurniawan, Agus Dwi Wicaksono, Supriyadi, Trisnadi W.C. Putranto and Agoes Soegianto
Seagrass is a flowering plant (Angiosperms), one seed (monocot) which has leaves, flowers, fruit, roots and rhizomes (rhizomes). Seagrass is a plant that lives and grows in relatively shallow waters (1 - 10 meters), has a mud or sand bottom. Seagrass is a plant that lives in groups, groups of seagrass are called seagrass beds. Seagrass beds are ecosystems that can maintain the balance of the aquatic ecosystem. Seagrass ecosystems have several ecological benefits, such as being a food source for aquatic biota, stabilizing substrate, primary producers of sediment trapping, and protecting marine organisms. Collecting seagrass data in the field includes identification of seagrass species, calculating the percentage of cover of each species on quadrant transects measuring 1 X 1 m2, and calculating the density of the number of individuals / stands. The type of seagrass found on Kondang Buntung Beach is Halodule uninervis. With seagrass density values ranging from 590 - 740 stands / m2. As well, the percentage of seagrass cover ranges from 18-19%. The seagrass ecosystem is one of the ecosystems that can support the resilience of coastal ecosystems, because the seagrass ecosystem has high biodiversity that can support the survival of biota and its surrounding ecosystem.