Brijesh Kumar, Virendra Kumar Chandola, Devendra Mohan and Kanhu Charan Patra
The objective of this study is to explore the way to find out sound groundwater potential zones in draughtprone rocky terrains. In the present paper, groundwater potential zones have been delineated using two aquifer parameters viz. transmissibility (T), torability (S) and GIS techniques. The transmissibility (T) and storability (S) values for different well location are being used to prepare two thematic raster layers viz. Is transmissibility and Iso- storability map using kriging interpolation method. Thereafter, these two maps have allocated an equal weight in weighted overlay technique of ArcGIS to get the weighted map. Thus, the obtained weighted map is groundwater potential zones map (GWPZs) and has six groundwater potential zones, viz., very good, good, moderate, poor, very poor and nil. The prepared thematic maps may prove very supportive to enhance planning and management of groundwater resources in these rocky terrains.