Viv Djanat Prasita, Nuhman, Agus Subianto and Agoes Soegianto
This paper aims to assess and evaluate the coastal land in the Mangrove Protected Areas (MPA) of the Eastern Coast of Surabaya (ECS) with sustainable approach. The research focuses on three points, i.e.: to assess the utilization of mangrove conservation zones, to evaluate the coastal land utilization for aquaculture as well as conservation, and to make a model for prediction of the coastal land for future handling. Some methods used in the research, i.e.: GIS method and interview with farmer for assessment the mangrove conservation zone, regression analysis for understanding production trends of the aquaculture and dynamic model for understanding the coastal land area changes. Results indicate that three points are needed serious attention related to unsustainable resources utilization in the MPA of ECS. First, there are differences between planning and implementation in term of coastal land utilization. Second, land utilization for brackish water ponds is not appropriate because the production of them tend to decrease. Third, the addition of the coastal and tend to increase but it is not to add the areas of MPA of ECS. These findings are unsustainable causes of the coastal land utilization in MPA of ECS. Therefore, they should be attended seriously by local government for achieving sustainable development of MPA of ECS.