Oktiyas Muzaky Luthfi, AndikIsdianto, Supriyadi, Riza Alifia, NinikIka Sulistianingrum, Rahmat Prasetyoaji, Muhammad Irlan Assidiq Kusuma Ramadhan and Agoes Soegianto
Prigi Bay is located in District Watulimo, Trenggalek Regency, East Java Province, is a very potential area to be developed in various forms including fisheries and aquaculture sector. This place is one of the center offishery business in the south coast of Java Island that is signed by Nusantara Port (PPN) that allowed the 30GT or larger of boat exploiting the fisheries resources. The high activity of local residents in fishery sector can cause adverse impacts to the water quality of Prigi Bay. In this study the sea water quantified conducted in 20 sites within Prigi Bay represented coastal area and off-shore area. The surface and 1 m depth of seawater then quantified using multi probe (AAQ-1183 IF, Japan), and resulted picture of water quality in Prigi Bay. The result of this study can be a base line of water quality of Prigi Bay due to the parameters were limiting factor of precious tropical ecosystem such as coral reef that got heavy stress from human activity in this area.