Instructions to Authors for Manuscript Submission

Manuscript (mss) should be typed in double space in 12 font. Please submit online as per instructions or send as file attachment clearly mentioning for which journal it is submitted. Page one of the mss should contain title of the paper in CAPITAL LETTERS. Name(s) of the author(s), Name (s) Organization(s) where the work has been carried out and the key words. It is essential to mark corresponding author and provide the corresponding authors email. No designation are allowed. Designations can be given below Ist page as footnote.Text of paper should be divided into - Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgement, References, or suitable headings in reviews and theoretically oriented papers.

The size of the figures should not exceed 40 x 30 cm. They must be capable of withstanding a reduction by 4 times.

All legends should be typed on separate sheet.

References should be arranged alphabetically by author's surname in the following pattern:

Fills, J. and Swanson, W. R. 1975. The release of nutrients from river and lake sediments. J. Wat. Poll Cont Fed. 47 : 1032 - 41
Wetzel, R. G. 1975. Limnology. W. B. Saunders and Company, Philadelphia.

Duncan, N. and Rzoska, J. (ed).1978. Land use impacts on Lake and Reservoir Ecosystems proceeding of MBA Project 5 workshop (Poland) Facultas Verlgg, Wien.

Likens, G.E. 1972. Eutroph/cat/on and aquatic ecosystems p.3-13 In : G. E. Likenes edited. Nutrients and Eutrophication. Spac. Symp 1, Am Soc Limmol, Ocanogr Washington.
Pl. mark every dot, italic etc.

In the Text the references should be quoted by name as per sample paper and not by number.


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