Journals Published By EM International

Pollution Research

PRINT ISSN: 0257-8050

Pollution Research is one of the leading enviromental journals in world and is widely subscribed in India and abroad by individuals in industry, research and govt. departments.

Published Quarterly Since 1982

Ecology, Environment and Conservation

PRINT ISSN: 0971-765X

Ecology, Environment and Conservation is one of the leading international environmental journals. It is widely subscribed in India and abroad by individuals in education and research as well as by industries, and the govt. departments and research institutes.

Published Quarterly Since 1995

Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology & Environmental Sciences

PRINT ISSN: 0972-3005

Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology & Environmental Sciences is a highly popular journal exclusively devoted to the three most important and interrelated areas of science. 

Published Quarterly Since 1999.