Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper

Vol 25, Issue 4 2019

Page Number: 1510-1516


Dwi Susilowati and Sugiarto


In the globalization era agriculture commodities that can be accepted by International Community are good quality products which are healthy and free chemials. To produce healthy and organic rice the farmer must apply SIPLO, a system based local potential intensification. The purpose of this study is to analyze the level of rice farmers' adoption of SIPLO technology. This research also aimed to identify the factors that influence the farmers in adopting SIPLO technology for organic rice farming. This research was conducted purposely in Lawang sub-district, Malang district. Respondents were 118 rice farmers who were taken randomly. The data analysis was conducted using the legit model regression analysis. The results showed that 61.9% of the farmers dopted SIPLO technology and 38.1% did not adopt the technology. As an addition, the socio- economic factors that influence the adoption of SIPLO technology in organic rice farming are the number of family members, motivation, attitudes, the role of extension agents, and conditions of production facilities. Meanwhile total area, age, and education did not influence SIPLO technology adaption.

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