Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper

Vol 26, Issue 2, 2020

Page Number: 773-784


Endang Setyowati, Gagoek Hardiman, Titien Woro Murtini, Atiek Suprapti B. and Hendro Triediantoro


The historic environment is one of the national identity. It provides character to the people. PathokNegoro Mosque is one of the nation’s identities, which is known as the only one in the world. The mosque environment is closely related to the historical footprint of the founding of Yogyakarta, a royal city in Indonesia. The built environment of the mosque is a form of defense of the Islamic kingdom in Yogyakarta. A wise political idea from Sultan Hamengkubuwana I, the first king in the Islamic kingdom in Yogyakarta. His work, which has been more than three (3) centuries old, needs to be preserved and maintained. The PathokNegoro Mosque of Mlangi is one of the mosques that serves as a regional defense, within the defense system of the Islamic kingdom in Yogyakarta. Mlangi mosque environment is a defense system that became the first center of the development of Islam in the Islamic kingdom in Yogyakarta. Maintaining the historical environment has many ways, where the environment needs to be understood holistically. In order to feel the meaning behind the empirical phenomenon, it is necessary to do documentation that can describe the atmosphere of the environment as a whole. Virtual Reality technology can be used to document, study, and disseminate tangible and intangible features from a historical environment. In this study, the techniques of initial observation and measurements for the collection of environmental data under the guidance of Pathok Negoro Mosque has been done regularly. Making 3D images of PathokNegoro Yogyakarta mosque environment is done using Auto CAD, Sketchup, and Unity 3D software. The result is to get a digital picture of the artificial environment, including the atmosphere. Physical data is equipped with historical information on the environment. The purpose of this study is to obtain a picture of the real conditions and atmosphere of the Pathok Negoro mosque of Mlangi. Conservation of the artificial environment is an effort to maintain the existence of the work of the architect’s predecessor, as an identity that is expected to be enjoyed from time to time, as a national historical document. Besides, this study seeks to explain the process or steps of making virtual reality applications and the problems encountered during manufacturing. This study uses applicative research methods from the Virtual Reality program. The research objects was arranged in the form of physical data, which are redrawn in two and three dimensions (2D and 3D) to include in the program. The results of this study are in the form of Virtual Reality Applications that can show an artificial environment with an immersive, interactive, insightful, and high level of imagination from the environmental research objects of the Pathok Negoro Mosque of Mlangi.