Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper

Vol 26, Issue 2, 2020

Page Number: 855-861


Ardiyan Adhi Wibowo, Gagoek Hardiman and R. Siti Rukayah


In Indonesia, Pekalongan is one of the cities that is famous as a batik producer. The development of Pekalongan until it is known as “ World’s City of Batik” was a long journey. Based on historical records, the growth of the batik industry in Pekalongan originated in three regions, namely Wonopringgo, Pekajangan, and Buaran. Among the three batik-producing area, Pekajangan is an area that developed earlier than Wonopringgo and Buaran. In the dynamics of the industry, Pekajangan people not only produce batik, but also woven cloth. The development of the batik and woven fabric industry in Pekajangan is carried out in production houses, so that it grows into a productive clothing home industry settlement. Until now, the industrial development in Pekajangan coincided with the rapid development of clothing production in other Pekalongan areas. This paper examines the dynamics of social life related to residential and production activities in the Pekajangan clothing home industry settlement. The purpose of this research is to uncover the pattern of community life in conducting production activities in the Pekajangan clothing home industry settlement, so that it continues to run productively and sustainably until now. To achieve these objectives, a qualitative approach was used in order to explore the lives of people in the Pekajangan clothing home industry settlement environment in carrying out residential and production activities. The results showed that sustainability can be maintained because of local wisdom in the Pekajangan clothing home industry settlement in carrying out residential and production activities, so as to create a harmonious and sustainable environment.