Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper

Vol 27, Feb Suppl. Issue, 2021

Page Number: 187-191


Rashmi Tyagi and Jatesh Kathpalia


Rice accounts for a significant contribution to the total food grain production in India and is grown in 43.86 million ha, the production level is 104.80 million tones and the productivity is about 2390 kg/ha (Agricultural Statistics at a glance-2015). Rohila et al. (2015) also mentioned in their study that Haryana is second largest state in central procurement pool of rice after Punjab. Most of the Direct Seede Rice (DSR) cultivators (75.00%) were agreed that demand were increasing day by day in view of depletion of water resources followed by disagree (16.00%) and undecided (9.00%) whereas 51% conventional adopters were agreed on same prospects followed by disagree (33.00%) and undecided (33.00%). DSR adopters categorized DSR as best rice production technology in water crisis situation. Overwhelming majority of the DSR adopters (87.00%) agreed that DSR is the less labour required technology and only 47.00% conventional growers agreed on it. Almost all the DSR adopters (95.00%) agreed that DSR require less water than transplanting and 79.00% agreed that their past experience favoured them direct-seeded rice (DSR) over transplanting whereas same response were given only by 53.00% and 46.00% conventional growers respectively. Most of the DSR cultivators (65.00%) were agreed that DSR best suited to climate change followed by undecided (19.00%) and disagree (16.00%) whereas 45.00% conventional adopters were agreed on same prospects followed by disagree (42.00%) and undecided (13.00%).