Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper

Vol 27, Issue 1, 2021

Page Number: 455-462


Titien Setiyo Rini, Yuwono Budi Pratiknyo and Maritha Nilam Kusuma


The purpose of this research was to make a model of the waste management system in the Randegan landfill without intervention. The modeling results obtained are then used as a simulation model in predicting and describing Randegan landfill conditions. Computing The simulation carried out in this research is based on a quantitative approach using the Powersim Constructor software tools. Research does not ignorethe naturalistic paradigm with a qualitative approach through grounded research. The construction of this approach analysis uses constant comparison techniques. The research was carried out at the Randegan waste landfill in Mojokerto city which has a land area of 2.5 ha and has been operating since 1990. Randegan landfill consists of a passive zone and active zone. The passive zone is zone 1 and zone 2 is a zone that cannot receive waste anymore. Active zone is zone 3 which is a zone that still receives new waste entering the landfill. The research method is divided into 2 stages. The first stage is data collection, presentation and analysis. The second stage is carried out dynamic model engineering using powersimcontructor software, stakeholder analysis, problem formulation and making causal loop diagrams. The second stage is carried out to describe the behavior of the model. From several experiments conducted in the research obtained several results, namely the prediction of population growth rate is an average of 1.09% over a period of 30 years. The rate of population growth will increase the volume of waste consisting of inorganic and organic waste. Prediction of the rate of increase in the volume of organic and inorganic waste in the active zone is 167.58%. With limited landfill capacity, the condition in 2018 can no longer accommodate waste. This is because the capacity is smaller than the volume of waste that enters. This condition will also cause the volume of waste that is not accommodated from year to year is also getting bigger. If this is left unchecked, then the predicted volume of unaccounted waste will increase by 901.69% in the next 25 years. Based on simulations carried out using modeling without intervention, it is necessary to have a policy to reduce the burden of accumulating waste volumes in the Randegan landfill.