Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper

Vol 27, May Suppl. Issue, 2021

Page Number: 73-79


Palomeras, Reynaldo Jr, B., Sanches, Rocelyn L. Fermilan, Charish P., Ballon, Jennifer E., Lao, Chery B. and Malabarbas Gerald T.


A sanitary landfill is an engineered waste management strategy wherein dumped wastes have been completely degraded biologically, chemically, and physically. However, issues on the production of leachate and gases are still observed that posed potential threats to human health and environmental quality. This study assessed the environmental impact of sanitary landfills on groundwater and surface water quality of deep wells, springs, and rivers. Grab water sampling technique was used to get the water samples from the selected water bodies within one (1) kilometer radius of the sanitary landfill. Then, water samples were analyzed in the accredited laboratory. The quality of water parameters during dry and wet seasons was compared to the PNSDW, WHO, DENR DAO 2016-08 standards. The study’s findings revealed that most of the physicochemical parameters of the surface and groundwater are still in good quality. However, TDS of DW2, the turbidity of DW3 taken from groundwater samples, and TDS of the spring water samples have failed from its permissible limits during the wet season. The water quality of both surface and groundwater are still good and free from leachate contaminations. The study may conclude that sanitary landfill at present has a less damaging impact on the water quality of the water bodies within the area. Lastly, the study strongly recommends the continuously implement their effective and efficient management of the sanitary landfill and observance of the RA 9003 and policies be consciously observed to avoid tragic public health risk and adverse environmental impacts.