Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper

Vol 27, Issue 2, 2021

Page Number: 776-782


Tefera Berihun Taw and Abdul Jabbar A.T.


Although access to improved biomass stove has been increasing over time and vital to sustainable development, there is very limited trend of using improved cooking facilities for cooking. This is partially due to lack of concrete evidence about the actual impact of using modern cooking facilities on energy expenditure. Although it is expected that using modern cooking facilities reduce energy expenditure, households with an improved stove may use more energy than households with traditional stove if there is strong rebound effect. Hence, the impact of using improved cookstove over traditional cookstove on energy demand is inconclusive. The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of using modern cookstoves on household energy expenditure. The study used a combination of sampling methods. Structured questionnaires were employed to collect primary data. Two sample t-test and PSM are used to investigate the existence of expenditure difference among users of different stoves. The t-test result revealed that using improved biomass stove over traditional stove has no significant impact on household energy expenditure. On the other hand, the PSM result indicates that improved biomass stoves have significant impact on household energy expenditure. The finding of the study suggested that creation of awareness on the benefit of using improved cooking appliance is important.