Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper

Vol 27, Dec Special Issue, 2021

Page Number: 31-36


Hery Purnobasuki, Tutik Nurhidayati, Sucipto Hariyanto and Nur Khunainah Wahyuni


Tobacco is one of the important commodities cultivated in Indonesia. Some varieties have been commonly cultivated such as var. Srumpung, Dixie Bright, dan Somporis. One of the major constraints in tobacco cultivation is high rainfall, which consequently results in waterlogging stress. The later causes decrease in plant growth and productivity. Under waterlogging stress condition, plants develop diverse mechanisms including morphological, physiological and biochemical adaptations. Interestingly, each variety of plants possesses unique response against waterlogging stress. This study aims to investigate the morphological and anatomical responses of some tobacco varieties against waterlogging stress. Treatment with 100%, 150%, 175% and 200% above field capacity represented waterlogging stress and were given to each tobacco variety. Parameters used in this study include plant height, number of tobacco leaves, leaf area, root length, number of adventitious root, number of opening and closing stomata. The study was set up as factorial experiment in completely randomized design. The results showed that waterlogging stress decreased all morphological and anatomical parameters used in this study (number of tobacco leaves, leaf area, root length, number of adventitious root, number of opening and closing stomata). The lowest decline occurred in var. Somporis. In addition, our results also demonstrated that waterlogging stress could trigger adventitious root formation and induce stomatal closing.