Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper

Vol 28, Jan Suppl. Issue, 2022

Page Number: 286-295


Devendra Kumar, Saha Dev Jakhar, Ajay Kumar Kumawat and Megha Shrivastava


The novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is caused by a newly emerged coronavirus named Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) that is key responsible for severe respiratory disease and emerged first at Wuhan city of Hubei province, China and spread-out global level with an unpredictably fast speed. The COVID-19 was also declared as a Global Public Health crisis by the World Health Organization (WHO) and after this crisis emergence, the lockdown was announced by the Government of India and because of this, the human being ware locked in their homes and due to their immobility, the traffic was almost negligible, all industries and factories were closed, the constructions were on halt, that’s why smog and air pollution graph was reduced. significantly In contrast to wildlife, poaching activities were observed increasingly but illegal animal trafficking was observed in decreasing manner during and after The lockdown. After the corona crisis lockdown, nature has started rehabilitation to gain its natural shape and density; wildlife became progressive due to a lack of disturbance as fearless animal movements are also observed in the rural and urban areas that are also reported by various news channels and researchers. In contrast to the atmosphere, the era of the corona crisis was working like a sparkle in the Air Quality Index (AQI) where air pollution was recorded very low in the whole world. The ocean and other water bodies like rivers and lakes were found clear during this crisis period. However, some negative effects of the corona crisis on wildlife were also observed like- street dogs, ducks, and some birds were found hungered due to the unavailability of food which is provided by humans.