Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper

Vol. 28, Aug Suppl. Issue 2022

Page Number: S233-S237


P. M. Nalawade, B. L. Gadakh and Kadam Amol B.


This article provides an improved vegetation change detection technique for the analysis of satellite imagebased on normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). The normalized difference vegetation indexmeasures the amount of vegetation on the earth’s surface across a large region. Remote sensing deliversspectral data from satellites in digital form without any direct interaction with the item. In the form ofimaging, this digital data is transformed into visual images. In different settings such as topography,biodiversity, land use, cultural elements, and so on, imagery is the best and most trustworthy source ofdata about the earth’s surface. In the hands of geographers, the geographic information system (GIS) is arelatively new technology. This index takes use of the disparity features of two bands a multispectral rasterdataset: chlorophyll pigment absorptions in the red band (Red) and high reflectivity of plant materials inthe near-infrared (NIR) band from a multispectral raster dataset. The NDVI for every pixel always yields afigure between -1 and +1, although no vegetation cover yields a value near to zero. The NDVI value around+1 represents the maximum area under the vegetation cover. The NDVI value near to -1 indicates barrenexpanses of rock, sand, or built-up areas. In urban area, vegetation plays essential role in enhancing themicroclimate. Natural vegetation has declined in many tropical cities as a result of urbanization. The Nashikcity is located to northwest region of the Maharashtra in India. The normalized difference vegetation indexwas analyzed using Landsat satellite imaginary data for the study period 2001-2021. The results showedthat the vegetation cover of the Nashik city declined due to urban sprawl. The class, very low densityvegetation explains that the area has increased which clearly indicates that the vegetation cover has beendecreased from 2001 to 2021, i.e. 25.51% to 55.87% per area. The class, very high density vegetationexplains that the area has decreased from 2001 to 2021, i.e. 11.66% to 5.54%% per area.