Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper

Vol. 29, Apr. Suppl. Issue 2023

Page Number: S386-S392


A.P. Mishra, P.P. Pradhan, A.K. Dash, N. Panda, B.P. Dash and S. Patel


One of the most essential elements found in earth crust both in inorganic and organic form to be utilized byevery living organism with average concentration of 0.06 % and presiding 13th position is Sulphur. Sulphuris also adjudged as the 4th important macronutrient amongst N, P, K to be taken up by both cereals andoilseeds crops in particular and acts as constituent for protein production and pivotal unit in chlorophyll,oil and vitamin synthesis in general. Indian soils are majorly deficient of N and Zn, with 41% of S deficiencywhich reduces the quality and quantity productivity of oilseed and other crops as it affects the uptake ofavailable forms of N, P, K. Application of Sulphur containing fertilizers during growing period of cropenhances growth, yield, yield attributes, nutrient uptake and economic for several cereals and oilseed crops.The basic purpose of this review is to render upgraded researches related to sulphur comprehension inboth oilseeds and cereals.