Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper

Vol. 29, May. Suppl. Issue 2023

Page Number: S65-S69


E. Harichandra Prasad, L.T. Guru Chandra Sekhar, Maddipati Ram Rishik Narayana, Prachika Rajput and Anupama Rajput


Beginning around 1950 to 2021, about 6.3 billion tons of plastics have been delivered around the world, out of which only 9% is reused, individually. Human population increment is eventually related to the increasing use of plastic. Plastic items are answerable for consistent expansion in the development of plastic. We have surveyed in this paper, the most important written works on the various sorts of plastics underway, the negative impacts of these constituents to air, water, soil, organic entities and human wellbeing viz-a-viz the different removal technique. Papers that revealed ecological and general wellbeing impacts of plastic looked in to assortments of plastic utilized in the creation of numerous consumable items including clinical gadgets, food bundling and water bottles containing harmful synthetic substances like phthalates, weighty metals, and Nonyl phenol. Yearly 8 million tons of plastic is delivered into the sea, prompting corruption of marine living space which at last influences amphibian life forms and creates health hazards. The increased usage of plastic and plastic items when exposed to high temperatures leads to the release of toxins into food items and water.