Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper

Vol 29, Issue 2, 2023

Page Number: 915-920


Prasanthi Narra and Annadurai D.


Seaweeds as a potential source of diet have been used in Japan, Korea and China since prehistoric times. Infact the usage of kelps dates back to 5th century in China. Seaweeds are having unique bioactive compoundsand its composition, and nutritional benefits, its structures have been widely studied and are currentlybeing therapeutically used for many medical conditions. Their sustainability in harsh environmentalconditions is another unique characteristic that is of researcher’s interest. In the current review, we havegathered important information on various bioactive compounds such as Complex Polysaccharides,Unsaturated Fatty Acids, Dietary Fibres, Polyphenolic compounds from seaweed, Phloroglucinol derivatives,Porphyrin derivatives, Proteins and Mineral constitutions, and other Seaweed Phytochemicals. Althoughare part of daily food in coastal regions of west, not much research is focused in Indian coastal areas toextract these bioactive components or to utilize these algal blooms. We need to utilize our regional algalblooms and proper techniques must be developed and streamlined for using our natural bioresource.