Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper

Vol. 29. Aug, Suppl, Issue, 2023

Page Number: 196-200


Kushal, M.R. Anand., Soumya, K., T.V. Krishna, Gangadhar Eswar Rao and C. Seenappa


The field experiment entitled “Growth parameters and economics of cowpea as influenced by integrated nutrient management” was carried out at AICRP on Arid Legumes, Gandhi Krishi Vigyan Kendra, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore. The investigation comprised nine treatments that involved combined application of nutrients along with the seed treatment at the time of sowing. Treatments were replicated thrice in randomized complete block design. The growth parameters were significantly varied with the combined application of 100% RDF + seed treatment with Rhizobium + PSB + 1% 19:19:19 spray which recorded highest plant height (45.9 cm), number of branches plant-1 (8.4), leaf area (1033 cm2), number of nodules plant-1 (39.4) and dry matter production (13.8 g plant-1). Treatments receiving 100% RDF + seed treatment with Rhizobium + PSB + 2% urea spray and 100% RDF + seed treatment with Rhizobium + PSB, respectively recorded significantly on par results. Whereas, lower plant height (32.3 cm), number of branches plant-1 (5.1), Leaf area (709 cm2), number of nodules plant-1 (25.6) and dry matter production (8.3 g plant-1) were recorded with the application of 100% RDF(Control). Higher net returns and BC ratio (Rs. 36504 ha-1 and 2.31, respectively) recorded with application of 100% RDF + seed treatment with Rhizobium + PSB + 1% 19:19:19 spray. However, Lower net returns and BC ratio (Rs. 7384 ha-1 and 1.28, respectively) were recorded with 100% RDF (Control).