Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper

Vol. 29. Aug, Suppl, Issue, 2023

Page Number: 397-402


Shaik Abdul Khadar Basha, Sahil Saini, Mekala Praneeth Kumar, Gurpreet Singh and Sandeep Menon


Weeds are plants that are not desirable in a particular place, time and area. There are around 250,000 plant species on the planet, with about 3% or 8000 species, acting as weeds. Of those most of the area known species infest non-cropped areas. Weed flora, including annual, biennial and perennial grasses, sedges, and broad-leaf weeds, infest non-cropped regions. Wastelands (48%) have the most species followed by cultivated fields (20%), roadsides (14%), and forests (8%). Weeds in non-cropped areas decrease the land value; Aquatic weeds can obstruct navigation and devastate fisheries. The major aquatic weeds such as water hyacinth and Salvinia, and others such as Alternanthera philoxiroides have recently gained prominence. Cannabis sativa (Marijuana/Indian hemp), Parthenium hysterophorus (canary grass), and Verbesina encelioides (Golden Crown beard) infest non-cropped areas and roadsides Effective Management of weeds is necessary to reduce the harmful impacts of weeds. Hand hoeing, soil solarization, deadly wilting with high heat, burning or chemical attack with herbicides are some of the methods used. Paraquat @ 2.2 L acre-1, 2, 4-D @ 1.0 kg a.i ha-1, and glyphosate @ 3.0 L ha-1 are non-selective herbicides which are used to control weeds of non-cropped areas. different methods by which weeds can be managed are given in this review.