Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper

Vol. 29, Oct, Suppl. Issue, 2023

Page Number: S51-S56


A.N. Barik, N.E. Joshua, S. Swain, Y. Nayak and A. Gopan


Aquaculture and fisheries offer a vital contribution to the development in food security, nutrition and livelihoods of many people living in Odisha. Aquaculture is one of the major industries which is giving major contribution in the development of the State but there are many constraints that act as the barriers for the development in many rural and tribal areas. This study was aimed to evaluate the constraints observed in the development of the aquaculture farms in Gajapati district in Odisha. Blocks were selected according to the farmers list provided by the District Fisheries Department. A total of seven blocks were selected for this study, these are; Gosani, Gumma, Kashinagar, Nuagada, R. Udayagiri, Rayagada, Mohana. A total of 100 farmers’ data was collected, out of which, 108 farmers’ details were given by the District Fisheries Department. Collection of data was done through questionnaire, that contained all the farm information, farmers’ profile and farming constraints, disasters experienced, after which these data were entered in an excel sheet for completing percentage analysis, correlation and regression. After making the percentage, correlation and regression of all collected data from the farmers it was observed that 50% farmers were between the age group of 40-50 and 85% males and 15% female farmers were farming fish. Out of the 100 respondents, Hindu (95%), Muslim (4%) and Christian (1%) were farming fish. 50% of the respondents belonged to the Other Class (OC) category. Above 60% of respondents had secondary level educational qualification. 99% of the respondents were married. The primary occupation of farmers were Agriculture (96%) and Fishery (4%). 46% of the farmers were investing between Rs. 3000-Rs.5000 monthly on primary occupation. Income from primary occupation of 72% of respondents was more than Rs. 5000. However. It is necessary to collect feedback from every farmer on how they are coping up with constraints and it is necessary to inform them on various Government schemes by the District Fishery Office.