Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper

Vol. 29, Oct, Suppl. Issue, 2023

Page Number: S365-S367


S.S. Hameed, S.P. Panda and M.U. Sharief


Hyphaene dichotoma (White) Furtado or we would prefer to call it Hyphaene indica Becc., as Furtado (Furtado 1970) has not given sufficient reasons as on what basis he pulled this indigenous palm species name indica to dichotoma where dichotomous character is common to most of the Hyphaene members. Moreover, this is the only species of branching palm endemic to India, confined to western part (Govaerts and Dransfield, 2005 and iucn. redlist). In recent field visit to Goawhere the natural population of this interesting palm seen is experiencing varying degrees of threat. It was a regretful scene to witness that the areas where once the lush green growth of this palm observed is almost now converted into residential complexes/multi-storeyed buildings by ruthless clearing of this unique palm species. It was a journey to locate the natural population of this palm in India. It is locally known as ‘Ravan-tal’ symbolising its multi-headed branching. Apart from Goa, very scantypopulations of this palm also found in parts of Bombay, Daman and Diu, parts of Barodaetc., often confused with the introduced species of Hyphaene thebaica Mart. from Africa. The seeds of H.indica might have escaped from India to Sri Lanka, during the course of time, where scarce population of this species is found here and there.