Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper

Vol.29, Nov, Suppl, Issue, 2023

Page Number: S413-S415


Sobha, Anita Trivedi, Subhdara and Amitesh Das


Finger millet (Eleusine coracana) is one of the rich sources of supplements contrasted with other minor developed cereal harvests. It contains dietary fiber (18%), calcium (344 mg/100g), tannins (0.04-3.47%), phytate (0.48%), oxalate (0.27%), cyanide (0.17%), saponins (0.36%), phenolics (0.3-3%) and polyphenols. It is likewise rich sources of amino acids (isoleucine, phenylalanine, leucine and methionine), minerals (calcium, phosphorous and iron) and nutrient including B (1.71 mg) and E (22 mg). Because of its high dietary nourishing substance, it can gives various sources as well as and restorative advantages like the expectation of diabetes (Type 2 diabetes mellitus), mitigating, against tumerogenic (K562 persistent myeloid leukemia), antiulcer, at herosclerogenic impacts, antimicrobial, hostile to diarrheal and cell reinforcement limit. Finger millet ought to be harvested as soon as conceivable to limit losses because of birds, and awful climate. Mature grain Finger millet in the field contains around 30% dampness. At moisture levels higher than 25%, the seeds are excessively delicate to endure the threshing activity. The seeds in the panicles of stopped plants sprout in the sodden field and accordingly influence grain yield and quality. The best stage to gather Finger millet is the point at which the plants arrive at the physiological development. Physiological development not entirely settled by the dark (dull) spot at the lower part of the grain. When the yield develops the leaves become yellow and present an evaporated appearance. The grains are hard and firm. The grain is isolated from the ear heads by utilizing a mechanical harvester or by drawing a stone roller over the ear-heads or stomping on under the feet of cattle. The isolated grain is then cleaned by winnowing and dried. Grain at or underneath 14% dampness is viewed as dry. For long haul stockpiling (over a half year), grain dampness content ought to be a limit of 13.5%. Generally Hagevu storage, mud container, bamboo container and metal receptacle are used for storing the finger millet grains.