Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper

Vol.29, Issue, 4, 2023

Page Number: 1871-1876


Jhansi B, Ankit, Pavan Reddy, Yash, Sushant Patil, Homraj Anandrao Sahare and Hina Upadhyay


The environment and resources have been depleted as a result of increased urbanization and industrialization. One of the industries with the fastest growth in terms of economy is Tourism. Although it is beneficial in case of providing employment, business opportunities and also boosts the economy of the country. It also contributes to the environmental problems. The study revealed that about 2% of 5% of global carbon-di-oxide emission is by the tourism sector. A significant portion of the tourism sector is comprised of the hotel industry. As the hotel industry is resource intensive, it faces the challenge of energy conservation, waste management, and water management. On the other side, customers are looking forward to choosing eco-friendly practices, and the pressure is now enhanced on the hoteliers to adopt eco-friendly policies to achieve a green image to attract customers. Many Hotels have started sustainable growth strategies so that they contribute to social responsibility besides gaining profits. Apart from this government officials have to implement strict policies and guidelines in order to encourage the hoteliers to achieve sustainable goals. This paper summarizes green hotels, their challenges, their sustainable practices, green hotel rating tools, and their benefits for hotels.