Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper

Vol.30, Jan. Suppl. Issue, 2024

Page Number: S375-S378


M.R. Ingle


The structural, functional and regulatory role of proteins makes them vital macro biomolecules, without which life cannot exist. Humans obtain dietary proteins as a source of amino acids from plants and animals. Though animal proteins provide all essential amino acids, they pose serious issues of carbon and water foot print, risk of diseases, loss of biodiversity due to unethical killing. The animal based protein production is neither cost-effective nor environmentally sustainable. The plant based proteins are incomplete proteins, and their production is limited by various factors such as land, water, climate, seed genotype. With ever increasing population, the food affordability, food safety, protein energy malnutrition and human health along with climate change are the global challenges in the near future. To suffice the needs of the growing population it is imperative to search new protein sources and evaluate their neutraceutical value. This review focuses on the sources and significance of plant based proteins and other alternatives available. The alternatives for plant based proteins include Mushrooms, Single Cell Proteins and Mycoproteins, The production of the alternative for plant based proteins is cost –effective, eco-friendly with significant amount of protein yield, which will be affordable to all in a sustainable manner.