Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper

Vol.30, February, Suppl.Issue, 2024

Page Number: S252-S257


Shivani B. Gujar*, Aparna G. Pathade and Girish R. Pathade


Strawberry is soft, luscious, nutritious, tasty, and perishable fruit which are grown in temperate climatic conditions where the plant like a small perennial herb and also grown in a sub-tropical climate whose plant behaves as an annual belonging to the family Rosacea. Application of growth regulators has been practiced commercially to increase the production and quality of crops. Gibberellic acid has a significant role in plant heights, number of runners, number of flowers, fruit set percentage, number of fruits, fruit size, fruit weight and fruit quality. In this study we present influence of gibberellic, yield and fruit quality of strawberry, Triacontanol and NAA on growth on yield and quality, chlormequat. Gibberellins are well-known for acting as a long-day hormone in short-day plants. Gibberellin treatment increases vegetative growth but limits flower development applied gibberellic acid promoted blooming and growth. However it was observed that the highest effect on leave, runner, crown, inflorescence and flower production. Triacontanol, Activol and NAA resulted in increased vegetative growth of strawberry as compared control. Highest crown height (7.2 cm) was obtained with 100 ppm Activol and highest leaf number/plant (7.2) and leaf region (49.4 m2) were obtained with 50ppm tricontanol treated plants.