Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper

Vol.30, October, Suppl. Issue, 2024

Page Number: S550-S557


A.S. Khan1 and S.M. Gupta2


One fascinating Mumbai proximity that serves as a testament to the myriad essential ecological benefits the wetland ecosystem offers is the Bhandup Pumping Station Wetlands in Maharashtra. It could be identified as wetlands by their parameter water levels and soils rich in nutrients. According to the authors, a variety of organisms, such as microbial communities, hydrophytic plants, and animals including waterfowl should illustrate the ecosystem. The biodiversity assessment conducted in swamps in the Bhandup pumping station emphasizes the general ecology specific at the habitat encounter during the assessment. The hydrophytic plants play critical roles in the functioning of the ecosystem by providing homes and assisting in clearing water to ensure that the complex and interdependent web of life is maintained. Additionally, they are well adapted for the fluctuating conditions of wetland environments. The fauna of wetlands is very rich and varied and includes several different types of species. Bird counts have recorded resident and migratory birds, acknowledging the value of wetlands as vital refueling or resting areas for transiting birds. Mammals, amphibians, reptiles, invertebrates, and countless other organisms further add to the ecological prosperity of our wetlands. Microbial populations in a wetland basin also help nutrient recycling and basin welfare by contributing toward quality preservation of water and wellness of the entire ecosystem. Efforts to understand the current state of wetlands focus on studying the diversity of bird, reptile, mammal, fish and insect populations along with key water parameters. Parameters such as biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), carbon dioxide (CO2 ) levels, turbidity and pH serve as vital indicators of wetland ecosystem health and provide insight into ongoing ecological processes and potential stressors affecting the ecosystem