Aneesa S. and Reshma J.K.
The term âurbanizationâ describes the concentration of people in specific places. This concentration results from land transformation for residential, commercial, industrial, and transportation reasons. The building of additional residences, schools, hospitals, transit, and other services, as well as the conversion of more land to urban use, are required due to the rapid expansion in population. In this context, we can understand how urbanization affects the rural area with special reference to the rural area of Peringammala. In this research, we collected both the Landsat 7 (2001) (2011) and Landsat 8 (2021) images used in the classification of Land use Cover changes. Supervised classification was done to classify the images in different land use categories like Forest, agriculture, barren land, built upland water bodies. From this study, we can understand the gradual penetration of urbanization in rural areas.