Dhritiman Chanda and Mursida Khatun
Tea plantation is covered by 434,000 hectares of land, which is further divided into two distinct regions - the North Indian tea belt and the South Indian tea belt. North-East India produces 75% of the total Indian tea. Present study is carried out to understand the various agro-climatic conditions of Brahmaputra valley like temperature, humidity, rainfall etc which are responsible for occurrence of various diseases in tea plant. The bio control agents are eco-friendly to control the plant diseases with aim of developing a sustainable system in agriculture. It involves in the mechanism of interaction among the antagonists and pathogens, which aid in selection and manipulation to develop an effective control system. It provides protection to the plant throughout its cultivation period and proliferates rapidly in soil and leaves no residue. Tea plants are challenged by several root, stem and foliar diseases. Fungi possess a number of characteristics that make them potentially ideal bio control agents. They can germinate to grow and control the target population there by making continual re-inoculation with the bio control agent. The preliminary investigation reflects the growth of Pestalotiopsis theaeis controlled by the isolated bacteria which could be a great potential Biocontrol agent for the control of various diseases of tea in this region.