Saima Rashid Mir
The demand for dried flower-based products is steadily rising in todayâs eco-aware era owing to their outstanding characteristics, including unwavering quality, accessibility, sustainability, and compatibility for preparing numerous value-added products throughout the year. Various drying techniques can be employed to preserve different flowers, foliage, leaves, and other botanicals for use as decoration and ornamentation. Dehydrated flowers, foliage, seeds, and other products constitute Indiaâs dry flower industry. Suitable drying techniques can be applied to almost any sort of flower, including leaves and other botanicals. The process of drying is a crucial factor in determining the quality of dried flowers, in addition to flower structure and collection time. Air drying, press drying, desiccant drying, microwave oven drying, hot air oven drying, glycerin drying, and leaf vein clearing are some of the different processes involved in the production of dried and appealing plant material. The flowers dried using the aforementioned methods can be used to create a variety of aesthetically important items, thus creating employment opportunities, especially for rural women and housewives.