Madhu Kumari
The study of various physiochemical parameters is of great importance in understanding the health status of an environment. The present investigation was carried out for the period of eight months along Bengre region having estuarine influences and receiving load of domestic sewage and Thannirbhavi receiving treated effluents from Fertilizer industry and Chitrapur receiving treated effluents Refinery Petroleum limited and Soda factory. The hydrographical parameters such as water temperature, pH, salinity and dissolved oxygen of surface and subsurface water were analyzed. Water temperature exhibited unimodal seasonal oscillation. Thermal stratification is more pronounced at Chitrapur followed by Thannirbhavi and Bengre. The pH value fluctuated from 7.4 to 8.51. The dissolved oxygen value ranged from 0 to 5mg/l with lowest in December. Industrial activity could also be one of reason for low dissolved oxygen content. Bengre coast registered lower value of salinity compared to Thannirbhavi and Chitrapur coast.