Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper

Vol.12, Issue 4, 2006

Page Number: 625-628


B.P. Bhosale, RE. Shingare, N.H. Sawant and S.G. Belsare


Among the three varieties of exotic carps Cyprinus carpi() oar connnunis is in great demand and farmers prefer it for paddy-cum-fish culture, monoculture and composite culture in ponds. It has shown good response in paddy plots during Kharif and Rabbi season. (Shirgur et al. 1986; Shingare et al. 1995; Shingare and Shirgur, 1997). A few trials on seed rearing under different agro-climatic conditions were undertaken in north konkan zone. However, no such trial was undertaken in south konkan zone. The Shindhudurg district has considerable resources of fresh water such as minor and medium irrigation tanks and a few natural water bodies. However, due to stocking of undersized seed, growth and survival was very poor. Considering these aspects and agro-clima tic conditions, the experiment was undertaken on rearing of Cyprinus caTio seed upto advanced fingerling size to assess the growth and survival using inexpensive artificial feed and fertilizer under rainfed conditions. The experiment was conducted at Agricultural Research Station, Mulde in the small rainfed ponds measuring 200m2area by stocking the advanced fry at the rate of 10 lakh per hector against the normal rate of 5 lakh per hector for rainfed ponds (Shirgur et al., 1988, Shirgur and Shingare, 1989). The physic-chemical parameters such as p" dissolved oxygen and temperature were recorded. After rearing the fry for 30 days, the advanced fingerlings measuring 60 to 90 mm and 4.20 to 12.24 g were harvested. The conversion ratio of fish biomass to feed (FCR) was varied from 1: 1.20 to 1: 1.56. The survival percentage varied from 77.92 to 84.20 %. An important observation was that the seed was able to withstand water pH as low as 6.5. About 84 % of large size fingerlings with mean total length of 78.8 mm were obtained. The results indicated that there was even growth of large size fingerlings with better survival percentage under application of inexpensive artificial feed and fertilizers. It can be further concluded that size obtained under this study was suitable for paddy-cum-fish culture and stocking the medium and large irrigation tanks to raise the fish production by reducing fish mortality.

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