Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper

Vol.12, Issue 2, 2006

Page Number: 203-206


Prabhu Prasadini and B. Sreemannarayana


An investigation entitled Evaluation of different land use systems in carbon sequestration was conducted in order to evaluate the efficiency of various land use systems in sequestering carbon. Soils under different land use systems were evaluated for soil organic carbon (SOC) and carbon mitigation potential. Carbon required per unit quantity of biomass produced in different trees was also studied. Analysis of soils showed organic carbon status was higher in soils under Agri-silviculture systems (0.89%), followed by silviculture (0.76%), Agri-silvi-horti system (0.72%). Fallow land showed lowest carbon status. The 'C' mitigation potential of Agri-silviculture (4.23) was maximum followed by silvipasture (3.71). Agrisilvi-horti system (3.42), L. leucocephala (3.23) and the remaining land use systems were lower than 3,0 when fallow land mitigation potential was assumed as 1.00. Since the biomass production was maximum with L. leucocephala (7 t ha' yr ') and E. carnuldulensis (5.35 t ha' yr'') the carbon sequestration was highest in these trees as compared to that of A. lebbeck (2.98 t yr.") which was super; ->r in sequestered carbon per unit quantity of biomass (0.458 kg/kg of biomass). It was concluded that by quantifying the amount of carbon sequestered per unit quantity of biomass produced, it is feasible to recommend such of those species with fast growth for accumulating higher quantity of biomass which would indirectly help in cleansing the atmosphere of green house gases such as CO.

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