Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper

Vol.13, Issue 1, 2007

Page Number: 95-103


J.P. Tandale and C.R.Rao


Some basic strategies for energy conservation in chemical plants in a sustainable and profitable manner, through case studies of success stories in sugar and fertilizer industries and petrochemical complex are described. Also brief information about the consumption of various energy sources by different industries as well as by domestic sector is given with their conservation option. The basic strategy explained in this report can be applied to the entire spectrum of chemical process industries such as pharmaceuticals and drugs, petroleum refineries, steel, cement and thermal power industries etc. Collectively it consumes 50% of the total energy consumption in India, which is an about 1000 billion unit. An energy saving target of even a modest 20% in the industrial sector will be a saving of 100 billion units which is worth about Rs.50, 000 crores annually.

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