Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper

Vol.13, Issue 2, 2007

Page Number: 355-360


J.M. Koli, V.P. Joshi, S.T. Sharangdher, M.T. Sharangdher and S.J. Narvekar


The banana shrimp F merguiensis is one of the potential species for culture.The main constraint for culture is non- availability of good quality seed shrimp. For getting quality seed the bottleneck is severe scarcity of spawners of F merguiensis from wild. It is therefore, essential to produce the spawners by using induced breeding techniques. In view of this, the present attempt was made to produce the seed shrimp of F merguiensis from the captive grown animals. The juvenile's of F merguiensis were grownqo adult stage in specially prepared Cement concrete tank.The adults male weighing 16 to I 8 g and females weighing 22 to 25g were unilaterally ablated using different eye stalk ablation methods namely, tying with string, squeezing eyeball, using the cauterizer and cutting the eye with razor blade.The unablated were used as control.The rearing and feeding conditions were uniform in all the treatments as well as in control. No maturation was noticed in control group. Of the four-ablation methods used, ablation-using cauterizer was found to be effective. Using this technique 50% of females matured in captivity spawned and released healthy Naupalii, which were then grown to post larvae-I. During the larval rearing the diatom, Chaetoceros sp. was used as feed, decapsulated Artemia cysts were used as feed during mysi:s stage to PL- I stage.The PL- I were grown PL-20 stage using Special diet of egg- custard.The PL-20 were successfully grown to adult in a period of eight months, thus the life cycle of F merguiensis was closed successfully under captive condition.