Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper

Vol.08, Issue 01, 2002

Page Number: 97-100


Binay Kumar Bhattacharya


The environment is being degraded day by day mostly due to overuse and / or abuse of the available natural re-sources for meeting the needs of the eve rgrowing world population particularly in the developing countries. Increase in population can go a long way to substantial changes to the environment. Supply of fresh water diminishes as population grows and per capita food output falls outpacing increased agricultural production. Rapid population growth contributes to massive pollution of air and water. About 70% of the world's urban population breathe unhealthy air and polluted water causes serious public health problems. Migration to cities cause many population to live in slums with less civic amenities. Economic growth or upliftment of living standard is greatly deterred by the indiscriminate consumption of the available natural resources in keeping with the enlarging population. By providing wide access to family planning information and services for the couples, even in acute poverty, pollution and limited resources, may contribute to development as slower population growth increases per capita income.An all-out sustainable development for our own posterity involves conservation of the environment and population.

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