Quality assurance tests of potable water produced and packaged by major companies classified under food and beverage industries in Southern Nigeria, were carried out based on the standard parameters. These parameters are generally classified into physical, chemical and microbiological tests. Physical tests include colour, odour, taste, temperature, pH, conductivity, dissolved solids (DS), turbidity, dissolved oxygen (DO), and others; chemical tests include alkalinity, chemical oxygen demand (COD), residual chlorine, sulphate, nitrate, cyanide, ammonia, copper, lead, arsenic, zinc, and others; while microbiological tests involve coliform counts and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). Results, juxtaposed against the national and international water quality standards such as WHO, EU, NAFDAC (National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control Nigeria) and FEPA (Federal Environmental protection Agency US and Nigeria), revealed safe quality for these potable water. The results of ANOVA generally shows no significant differences in temperature, pH, conductivity, TSS, DO, chloride, nitrate, calcium, zinc, copper and sulphate, but significant differences exist in colour, TDS, turbidity, total hardness, alkalinity and chemical oxygen demand among the cities investigated during the period covered.