A. Arshad and K.M. Riak
The biomass of the benthic macrofauna of the wetland habitat of Kuala Selargor Nature Park (KSNP) and ..ludflats at Kapar and Pentai Remis, retained by a sieve of 0.5 mm, has been estimated.The total biomass ranges to abcut 59.4 ± 0.25-40.56 ± 0.22 (mudflats at Pantai Remis) 44.3 1 ±0.3-27.5+0.3 (mudflats a Kapar) and I I .47±0.27-8.07-0.24 g AFDW m.2 (KSNP) was recorded during pre-migration and migration period of shorebirds. Average and total biomass significantly decreased between pre-migration and during migration period ol shorebirds in all study sites and the decrease being 18.85%, 23.4% and 17.4% in Pantai Remis, Kapar and KSNP respectively.The relative contribution of the major taxonomic groups in each season to the total biomass also varies significantly (P<0.0 I) between the taxa. During pre-migration period on the mudflat of Kapar and Pantai Rem is, bivalves were accounted for (9.23g AFDW m-2 (43.4%) and 28.64 g AFDW m*2 (48.22%) of the total biomass respectively. While during migration period, bivalves made up 11.5 g AFDW (41.8%) and 16.246g AFDW m*2 (40.08%) in Kapar and Pantai Remis respectively. Whereas, at the KSNP the highest contribution to total biomass was derived from gastropods, both in pre-migration (6.52 gAFDW m2;56.8%) and during shorebirds migration seasons (4.71 g AFDW; 58.36%).