Clean water to drink pure air to breath and natural soil to live are the universal demands of man as their birthright. With the of the time hii man beings are deprived of this right. Population explosion, inclustrializaliun.nization, intensive agriculture and many other activities of humans are polluting atmosphere in such a wa:!/1.hat if the present trend continues, the earth will be rendered unstable for living of the human heiny e near future.Flowing water of Sabarmati river in certain areas received thousands of people a year who :-;wirn, sunbath, surf and practice other leisure activities. Major efforts to improve the microbiologicat qualiiy of bathing waters are being made in many countries. Regulations regarding water quality had led to improvement in the microbiological quality of waters and to a reduction in the incidence of waterborne diseases related to recreational water contact. Water samples were analysed for MPN total coliform, MPN faecal coliform, Gram positive, Gram negative and total number of heterotrophic plate count for three seasons of the year 2005-2006 while sediments samples were analysed for Gram positive, Gram negative and total number of heterotrophic plate count for three seasons of the year 2005-2006. The results values were higher than the desirable limits of BIS but within the permissible limits. Vadaj and Wasna barrage are more polluted localities due to effluents and city sewage.