Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology & Environmental Sciences Paper

Vol 11, Issue 4, 2009

Page Number: 819-824




The present study was undertaken to find out the prevalence of thyroid disorders. It was a prospective study of 105 cases. Patients coming to the various surgical OPDs and wards of Government Rajendra Hospital, Patiala with diseases of thyroid were undertaken for this study. The age range was from 8 to 70 years with maximum number of cases in the age group 20-40 years. The peak incidence was in the forth decade of life (30-40). 78.1% were females and 21.9% were males, thereby showing female preponderance in thyroid disorders in present study. The prevalence of clinical cases (65%) was more as compared to the subclinical cases (35%). The duration of disease ranged from 1 month to 16 years, with majority of patients presenting with duration of less than 1 year. The clinical symptoms in hypothyroid patients included weakness, weight gain, and swelling in neck, while in hyperthyroid patients major symptoms were weakness, weight loss, tremor, intolerance to heat and increased sleeping pattern. Pulse rate of patients suffering from hypothyroidism was found to be less while in the patients suffering from hyperthyroidism the pulse rate was increased. Stress was the causative factor in the development of hypothyroidism as well as hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism was characterized by significant elevations in values of T3,14 and normal or decrease in -USN value. Values of T3 , T4 and TSH in hypothyroidism showed elevation of TSI i, and normal or decrease in T3 and 14 values. Sub clinical hypothyroidism was diagnosed when the TSH level was elevated, with 13 and 14 levels within the normal reference range whereas in the clinical cases, elevated '131-1 level, with T3 and 14 levels were below the normal reference range. Subclinical hyperthyroidism %%'as diagnosed when the TSH level was suppressed, with T3 and T4 levels within the normal reference range. The clinical cases showed suppression of TSH level, with T3 and 14 level above the normal reference range.

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