Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology & Environmental Sciences Paper

Vol 11, Issue 4, 2009

Page Number: 931 - 934




The allelopathic effects of whole aqueous plant leachates of four selected weed species viz. paspaloides and Sagittaria on radicle and hypocotyl Cyperus diffortnis, Echinochloa crusgalli, Paspaluni length of seedling as well as seed germination of paddy varieties like Tarom, Neda and Fajer were studied at 2007 in Iran. Results showed that whole plant leachates of selected weeds except Cyperus difformis significantly decreased both radicle and hypocotyl length of paddy seedling of Tarom variety. It was also recorded that whole plant leachates of Sagittaria trifolia decreased seed germination of Tarom variety at 50 °A over control (93.33 %) only. Laboratory bioassay also indicated that seed germination as well as radicle and hypocotyl length of paddy seedling of Necla variety was significantly hampered by whole plant leachates of Sagittaria triplia and P aspalum paspaloides only. The effect of whole plant leachates of Cypertis diffornis stimulated hypocotyl length of Fajer variety while radicle length of mentioned test variety was not significantly affected by whole plant leachates of above weed. It indicates that whole plant leachate of Cypertis diffOrmis has some active allelochemicals which stimulated hypocotyl length of paddy seedling. In general, seedling growth of test crop significantly was hampered by whole plant leachates of Sagittaria trifolia at (5.96 cm) over control (9.25 cm) only. It was also recorded that whole plant leachates of Sagittaria triplia as well as Paspaltim paspaloides had maximum inhibitory effect on seed germination of test crop as compared with other weeds. However, seed germination as well as radicle and hypocotyl length of Tarom and varieties was much sensitive to allelopathic inhibition of whole plant leachates of Sagittaria trifolia n great extent as compared with Fajer variety. Comparison of mean of organic constitute in selected weeds. showed that Sagittaria trifolia and Echinochloa crusgalli had high quantities of phenols and starch respectively. The estimation of proteins revealed that all selected weeds except Paspalum paspaloides had similar quantity of protein .

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