Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper

Vol.17, Issue 2, 2011

Page Number: 197-200


M.M. Fallahchai


In uder to study the breeding process, difficulties and problems related to Pistacia atlantica var . mutica trees regeneration, a 4 hectare area in north east of Yasouj city located in Mah Parvize pass forest was selected After selecting the investigation area, the restricted area , of Persian turpentine trees on the map 1,20000 was marked and surrounded Next, by preparing a systematic random network 40, 10 R circle shape sample pieces of land were selected. In each sample piece of land the following qualifications, crown coating percentage, origin and age of the stand, the breeding conditions and species regeneration (whether coppice or high forest) and sowing conditions including seeds health, seeds dampness percentage, 1000 seeds weight measurement and seeds size (length, width, thickness) were studied and assumed. The analysis results obtained from the collected information show that among the total sample pieces of land (4 hectares) 60 single shrubs exist among which totally 56.7 percent breed through seed and 43.3 percent breed though branch generation various factors as exceeding grazing of farm animals and shrubs grazing, inappropriate soil due to compression of soil surface, and seeds infected with diseases and pests, disproportion among male and female trees, and the great distance between them cause emptiness in seeds which decreases the breeding of Persian turpentine trees. Persian turpentine trees quantity study indicated the seeds average length 5.38 millimeters, thousand wet seeds weigh 368.8 grams, thousand dry seeds weight 266.77 grams, and seed dampness 38.51, healthy seeds 64.5%, and each kilogram contained 4019 seeds.

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