Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper

Vol.17, Issue 2, 2011

Page Number: 359-362


R.U. Nimbalkar, C.R. Palwe and A.D. Kadlag


A filed experiment was conducted at Soil Test Crop Response Correlation Project Farm during preseason of 2006-08 at Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Mahatma Phule Agricultural University, Rahuri to study the yield and Juice Quality of preseasonal sugarcane as Influenced by saline soil. The experimental soil represent Sawargaon series under Inceptisol order having pH 8.45 and ECe 4.14 dsm- 1. There were six sugarcane genotypes viz; CO 86032, CO 94012, COM 0265, CO 62175, CO 94008, COM 9516 replicated four times on saline soil with randomized block design. The sugarcane genotypes COM 0265 was recorded the significantly higher cane yield (91.10 MT ha-1) than the rest of the sugarcane genotypes. The sugarcane genotype COM 9516 and CO 94008 were recorded the least cane yield (72.00 and 74.30 MT ha-1). COM 0265 was on par with the CO 62175 (90.70 MT ha-1). It was followed by CO 94012 and CO 86032 (87.50 and 88.30 MT ha-1). The commercial cane sugar yield was observed significantly higher in COM 0265 (10.09 MT ha-1) than the rest of sugarcane genotypes. The sugarcane genotype CO 94012 and CO 62175 were found on par with each other for the commercial cane sugar yield (9.51 and 9.63 MT ha-1). It was closely followed by CO 86032 (8.71 MT ha-1) under saline soil condition. The sugarcane genotype COM 9516 and CO 94008 were found to record the least commercial cane sugar yield (7.83 and 7.62 MT ha-1). The corrected brix was higher in sugarcane genotype CO 94012 (20.29) followed by COM 0265 (19.25) and CO 62175 (18.92), whereas, COM 9516 (17.08) were recorded lower values of brix. Sucrose content of sugarcane genotype CO 94012 was significantly higher (18.11%) than the rest of the sugarcane genotypes. The sugarcane genotypes COM 0265, CO 62175 and COM 9516 (17.31, 17.07 and 17.53% respectively) was found at par with each other for their sucrose content. The purity per cent of sugarcane juice at harvest of CO 94008 was maximum (92.31%). The lower purity per cent was found in sugarcane genotype CO 94012 (88.52%) at harvest. The reducing sugars content of sugarcane genotype CO 62175 was found maximum (0.67%) at harvest. The sugarcane genotypes CO 94012 and COM 9516 were at par with each other (0.46 and 0.45%, respectively).