Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper

Vol 20, Issue 4, 2014

Page Number: 1465-1469


Nabila Laskri, Walid Hamdaoui and Nawel Nedjah


Our work is part of the energy recovery of organic waste. We did study the biodegradation of organic waste from three study sites: (i) Sludge from wastewater treatment station; (ii) Fermentable dump materials; (iii) Slaughterhouse waste and accurately rumen of camels; Experiments conducted in the laboratory have shown that organic waste from the three study sites produce biogas: a green and clean renewable energy. Methane production of sewage sludge is higher than the organic waste from the landfill and rumen of camels for residence times of 25 days digestion. Any time for a very long residence time of 150 days in the rumen which is rich in ligno-cellulose matter, wastes of camels produces biogas volume of almost 33 litres of biogas per kg of organic waste. In our study we proved that the composition and the concentration of organic matter directly affect the biogas yield.

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