Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper

Vol 21, Issue 1, 2015

Page Number: 119-122


I. Swarnalatha Devi, K. Parimala, V. Bharathi, T. Leelapriya, K. Venkateswarlu, K. Srikrishnalatha and A. Vishnuvardhan Reddy


The role of magnetic fields and their influence on agricultural field crops are still insufficiently understood, and are actively studied. The enhancement of plant growth using an environmental friendly technique is an absolutely desirable step for modern agriculture. A pulsed magnetic field treatment is one physical treatment that exposure of seeds to different magnetic fields improves the seed coat membrane integrity, vigour, reduces the cellular leakage and electrical conductivity. Some authors studied the effect on germination and early growth characteristics in sunflower (Helianthus annus) seeds exposed to pulsed magnetic field and also in exposure of seeds to static magnetic field enhances germination and early growth characteristics in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). This study reports the possible involvement of pulsed magnetic field (PMF) pretreatment in development and yield of groundnut was investigated. A Study on pulsed magnetic field was conducted in groundnut crop during Kharif 2012-13 at Seed Research and Technology Center, ANGRAU, Hyderabad. The seeds of groundnut (Arcahis hypogea L.) were exposed to pulsed magnetic fields to 5 hrs per day with 1500nT at 1Hz, 10Hz, 50Hz and 100 Hz of PMF for a period of seven days. The experiment followed a randomized block design with four main treatments compared with control. In all characters (Days to 50% flowering, Days to maturity, Total fodder weight, Total pod weight, 100 seed weight and Pod yield (kg/ha) plants derived from treated seeds, performed better than control plants with statistically significant differences at the 5% level of significance. Among four treatments, seeds exposed to 10Hz (2525 kg/ha) has shown better results for yield traits in terms of pod yield than control (2067 kg/ha). These investigations suggest that pretreatment of seeds with pulsed magnetic field plays important role in improvement of crop productivity of groundnut.

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