Tetrselmis sp is a potential microalgae as source for biodiesel, however, its biomass and lipid content are not optimal yet. It is reported that blue and red light as well as nitrogen starvation could overcome the problems. Therefore, the research aim was to study the effect of blue and red light as well as nitrogen starvation to enhance the biomass and lipid content of the microalgae. This study used microalgae Tetraselmis sp. grown in f/2 medium for 14 days under red light and blue light. At 7th day, growth medium of microalgae replaced with f/2 medium without nitrogen and f/2 medium with 50% nitrogen of the recipe. Standard f/2 medium and white light were used as a control. Number of microalgae cells was counted everyday using a haemocytometer and dry weight was taken on day 1, 3, 5, 7 and 14. Chlorophyll content was calculated using Jeffrey and Humphrey's trichromatic equation taken on day 1, 3, 5, 7 and 14. Lipid content was calculated using Nile red staining method on day 7 and 14. A combination of red light and nitrogen with an amount of half of the f/2 standard medium produced the highest cell number, while the combination of blue light and the full nitrogen recipe (standard f/2 medium) produced the highest dry weight per cell, accounted for 3.6 million cells/ mL and 251 pg /cell, respectively. Ratio of chlorophyll a/b was stable under blue light treatment in all nitrogen levels of medium. The combination of blue light and f/2 medium without nitrogen generated the highest lipid, accounted for 15.89%.