Increasing mining activities in several regions in Indonesia, began to face problems, namely of environmental pollution. One of the mining waste that is liquid sulfur, or acid mine water, which can lower the pH of the water and dissolves heavy metals. Countermeasures for the chemical method is to use lime, but this is less effective. The method is good and is environmentally friendly way by using sulphate reduction bacteria (SRB) that naturally there are many in the sediment wetland. Goal of this research is to find the type of sediment wetland most effectively increase the pH and decrease the concentration of sulphate in acid mine water. The sediment wetland is used mangroves, swamp, rice fields and beaches. Treatment bioreaktor made on the filled with sediment underneath the compost is given further incubation for 50 days. The observation of pH and content of sulphate based on the value of OD spectrophotometer and known pH increased to the highest in the pH of 6,9 is in the swamp sediment treatment, while the only other treatment until the pH 5,8-6,4. Increasing the pH in accordance with the decrease in the rate of SO4 is most sharply in the swamp sediment treatment as well as the most effective treatment.