Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper

Vol 21, Issue 3, 2015

Page Number: 1149-1153


M. Mokhtari, M.H. Ehrampoush, M. Salehi and Z. Kherad Pisheh


Household hazardous waste (HHW) is toxic, explosive, corrosive, reactive, flammable and infectious materials that can be found in some household solid waste. Management and disposal of this material must be conducted according to the principles of management and disposal of hazardous waste. The purpose of this project was to determine the quantity and compounds of HHW in Yazd for their better management. The used sampling method was according to ASTM, D5231 from the ASTM book. Samples of MSW of 2,564 kg were chosen. This study has shown that the value of HHW was 10.94 kg in the MSW samples. Considering that about 361,536 daily MSW were produced during the study period (Spring and Summer 2014), the HHW generated could be 1,542.6 kg per day. In this study, the percent of HHW was 2.381% by volume and 0.427% by weight. This study shows that the maximum amount of HHW belonged to personal-care products and bleach and disinfectant. This is possible because Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) is recycled by private company.

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