Ecology, Environment and Conservation Paper

Vol 21, Issue 3, 2015

Page Number: 1207-1211


Abdol Rasoul Zarei, Fatemeh Boomeh and Zahra Gholami Nobandegani


In this paper area under vulnerability of Agricultural Drought was evaluated using matrix overlay and GIS technique. The purpose of this study was to make a model of the drought vulnerability area using matrix overlay (with emphasis in Agricultural Drought). Matrix overlay function in ArcGIS developed by IRRFIB model and expert judgment. Vulnerability indicators have different severity of vulnerability classification. The Agricultural drought Vulnerability indicator maps are five indicators that are related to Agricultural drought. Each of the Vulnerability indicator maps and also final Vulnerability maps are classified into 4 Vulnerability classes of drought: mild, moderate, severe and very severe. Result of this paper show that the mild and moderate drought Vulnerability area cover mainly surface of the region, mild and moderate drought vulnerability covers approximately 38.3% and 38.2% of the regain. Almost the severe drought vulnerability area covers approximately 21.7% and very severe drought vulnerability area covers approximately 1.8% of the regain.